SAVE ON ENERGY Instant Discounts Program
Receive upfront discounts on the purchase of energy-efficient lighting products that will help to lower your business’s energy consumption, improve your bottom line and transform your space.
No paperwork, no waiting, just up front savings!
You can receive up to 50% of your project costs in rebates
Instant, point-of-sale discounts are available for existing commercial, agricultural, industrial, institutional and multi-unit residential buildings and facilities in Ontario that purchase eligible lighting products from participating distributors/dealers.
RETROFIT PROGRAM - Eligibility Overview
For Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural or Institutional Facilities is open to owners or lessees of:
Commercial spaces or buildings, such as offices, retail and grocery stores, restaurants, hotels and warehouses.
Industrial facilities in sectors, such as food and beverage, automotive, plastics and packaging industries.
Institutional buildings, including hospitals, universities, municipal halls and arenas.
Multi-family buildings, such as apartments (including low income and social housing) or condominiums.
Agricultural facilities, including dairy, swine or poultry farms, greenhouses and nurseries.